Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Riddle by Michael R.

I come in different sizes and I am always, for the most part, the same color.

If you cross my path I have the final say in whether you survive or not.

I consider myself to be very quick and precise.

My mind is always set on one thing.

My prey could be large or small either is fine for me.

I can travel long distance quickly in any weather but wind may affect me.

I like to view myself as a protector and nothing else.

I can be used in both positive and negative ways.

My family has all different names and fit different to my user.

I can cause your mind to become jumbled and not like normal.

I can be fat or skinny but either way I am effective.

The narrow path I travel in always keeps me straight and on task.

If I am used right, I am always effective.

Do you know what I am?